I was born in Kenya. My family moved here when I was about eight. I grew up in Melbourne. I started modelling probably around three-and-half-years ago now. I was always into fashion but my family’s quite academically driven so I never participated in anything fashion-related until I started modelling. I studied business at Monash University and I have also started journalism. I launched POCC mag, which stands for People of Colour Collective, in August 2018 … The whole ethos behind it is there has to be a POC on the team, whether that’s the stylist, the make-up artist, the producer or the photographer. It was just mainly making sure that diversity is represented in all spectrums of the industry rather than just the face of a brand, which is generally what a lot of organisations usually do.

Photographed by James Robinson


A project to explore and celebrate what’s next through the lens of 12 inspiring women, coming together to imagine an ideal future. Together, we consider what the future might hold from the mind’s of women unafraid to tread new trails and explore a new approach. Future Now: Celebrating the power of multiple voices coming together to envisage a new future and embodying the energy of the CAMILLA AND MARC woman.


In partnership with Gucci – spotlighting people who champion positive change, from artists to activists and more.

What inspires you to want to make change with the work you do?

Injustice. I think for me I'm doing my part in the creative industry, but I would like to branch out at some point to anything I can do to help. Because there's just something new every day. You know what I mean? I feel like even now, this morning I woke up and I saw a post and it just put me down. I think we definitely need to make sure that we're not being ignorant and oblivious to what's happening in the world, but at the same time I think we definitely need to take care of ourselves. Because there's so much that we could handle. And you have to be in the right mindset and head space to be able to fight it.

Photographed by Daphne Nguyen


Mercy Sang is a black woman, born in Kenya and now living in Melbourne, Australia. She is a model, has a sharply honed aesthetic and founded the platform POCC (People of Colour Collective) Magazine in 2018 to champion and showcase the talents of POC in the creative industries.

What would you like to express to your community or the world right in general at this time?

We must continue to raise our voices against the injustices against the black community, no matter how small an individual's platform may seem. Solidarity is key in dismantling the racism within our communities. By choosing to be neutral you are choosing the side of the oppressor.


People of Colour Collective (POCC) Magazine was born with its aim to champion people of colour's talent and authenticity. A celebration of both heritage and community. Our aim is to ensure that we have representation and diversity across all spectrums within the creative industry.


There’s a lot of crazy things happening in society’s current climate. Despite the mess, a few truly beautiful cultural gems have risen. Melbourne’s POCC mag is fresh on the scene and among the best. With it’s primary focus to champion diversity through creativity, the online zine is the platform that Melbourne and wider Australia have needed.


Mercy Sang has been thinking about how we inspire change through creative pursuits. In particular the 21-year-old Kenyan born, Melbourne based, writer and model has been reflecting on the underrepresentation of people of colour across the arts in Australia. Inspired by her experiences and observations across the media and modelling, her new project People Of Colour Collective (POCC) is an online magazine committed to championing the artists she loves and believes in. With a focus on the work of non-white creatives spanning fashion, art, film and photography, she describes it as a space "for us, by us".

Photographer: Joseph Haddad | Stylist: Mercy Sang | Make Up: Rose Letho | Hair: Xeneb Allen

Photographer: James Robinson | Stylist: Mercy Sang | Make Up: Georgia Gaillard | Hair: Xeneb Allen


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